Featured Project: Artists Books: Create, Destroy, Complicate
English 1102
Professor: Michael Griffin
After spending half of the semester exploring artists’ books, visual narratives, and the roles of artists in the 20th- and 21st-century novel, students were tasked with creating an artist’s book of their own. The assignment was to identify consistent concepts present in artists’ books (which the class characterized using verbs: create, complicate, destroy) and use these concepts for inspiration in their own projects.
Other Participating Projects:
English 1102, Visual Culture and H. Rider Haggard
Professor: Kate Holterhoff
In this section of English 1102, students learned about key concepts in visual culture and digital archives by studying the fictions and legacy of nineteenth-century British author H. Rider Haggard. This project asked students to write a script and record a 4 to 7-minute audio guide to accompany one illustration from Visual Haggard.
English 1102, Comics and Civic Engagement
Professor: Leah Misemer
This exhibit presents artifacts created by students in Dr. Leah Misemer’s English 1102 “Comics and Civic Engagement” first year writing class, including both original comics about issues related to urban development in Atlanta and experimentations combining image and text where students practiced creativity as a skill.
English 1102, Media Archaeology, Images Infinite: Optical Toys, Now and Then
Professor: Patrick Ellis
This project inspired students to reinvent the optical toy. After studying the history of such devices in class, and examining them through the Georgia Tech Library Archives, students made their own optical toys ,from A to Z: anamorphoses, kaleidoscopes, moving panoramas, stereocards, zoetropes- and many other toys that required the coinage of new names.
Mechanical Engineering 4214, Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Professor: Antonia Antoniou
Through this project students develop and demonstrate an ability to visualize and understand the fundamental behavior of structures and solids as well as to examine case studies of failure.
English 1102, Harry Potter and the Material Object
Professor: Courtney Hoffman
The course, titled “Harry Potter and the Material Object,” considered how the objects in J.K. Rowling’s series interact with the human characters, take on personalities, and influence events in subtle and intricate ways. Students considered how objects in their own lives often become part of themselves, engaging with the materiality of the world around them and their own subject formations.
Biology 4570, Immunology and Immunochemistry
Professor: Jennifer Leavy and Jung Choi
In this class, students focused on the genetic and biochemical basis of antigen specificity, tolerance and memory in adaptive immune responses. Students also learned how innate immune responses relate to adaptive immune responses. Students designed and printed linoleum-cut posters inspired by world war II era public health campaigns.
English 1102, The History and Rhetoric of Science Writing for Children
Professor: Rebekah Fitzsimmons
For this assignment, students produced a non-fiction STEM-focused picture book aimed at a K-2 audience. Students explored the connection between image and text by analyzing award-winning science picture books, experimenting with different illustration styles, and working to translate complicated technical jargon into easy to understand narratives.
The Invisible World of Schlieren Photography![Heat coming off a Soldering Iron](http://sites.gatech.edu/communication-art/wp-content/uploads/sites/291/2018/08/Schlieren-Soldering-Iron-Heat-150x150.jpg)
GT Student : Kenji Bomar
In this project Georgia Tech Student Kenji Bomar is exploring Schlieren Photography. Schlieren Photography is an optical technique that allows you to see how air moves. This form of imaging allows the invisible to become visible – for example , density variations in a gas or liquid that you can’t see normally, like air currents caused by heat, movement etc.
English 1102, Artists Books: Create, Destroy, Complicate
Professor : Michael Griffin
After spending half of the semester exploring artists’ books, visual narratives, and the roles of artists in the 20th- and 21st-century novel, students were tasked with creating an artist’s book of their own. The assignment was to identify consistent concepts present in artists’ books (which the class characterized using verbs: create, complicate, destroy) and use these concepts for inspiration in their own projects.
HTS3100, Intro to Museum Studies: Visual Histories![Game Changer Exhibit Poster](http://sites.gatech.edu/communication-art/wp-content/uploads/sites/291/2018/08/Tabloid-PosterFINAL3100-150x150.jpg)
Professor : Carla Gerona
A hands-on class that allowed students to explore history and museum studies through a studio project – the creation and design of a museum exhibit. The topic was sports during the 19th Century, with a focus on Atlanta. Drawing on archival materials from the Georgia Tech library and digital sources, students created a show to coincide with the Interdisciplinary 19th century Studies Conference, “Mobilities” hosted by Georgia Tech in of April 2015.
LMC3705, Principles of Information Design![Setting Type at the GT Paper Museum](http://sites.gatech.edu/communication-art/wp-content/uploads/sites/291/2018/08/IMG_4618-e1535580771131-150x150.jpg)
Professor : Laine Nooney
Part of the Computational Media Program at Georgia Tech, this class presents principles and practices guiding the development of emerging digital genres. The emphasis in this class is on maximizing the affordances of the computer in organizing and communicating complex information. Students learned about the history of typography and were able to explore the physical roots of digital typesetting.
Everyday Georgia
The Everyday Georgia project is exploring the lives of those touched by Georgia Tech’s research and technology initiatives. Through the coupling of photographs and interviews, the project shares the personal stories of Georgians – their challenges and accomplishments, and their vital role in creating the next at Georgia Tech. The interviews are also a valuable way to give agency and additional context to the subjects documented in the photographs.