History3100, Museum Studies : Visual Histories
Spring 2015
Professor: Carla Gerona
Project Description:
This is a hands-on class that gave students the opportunity to explore history and museum studies through a studio project – the creation and design of a museum exhibit. The topic was sports during the Nineteenth Century, with a focus on Atlanta. Drawing on archival materials from the Georgia Tech library, other local depositories, and digital sources a show was created for the Clough Gallery Space on the second floor of the Undergraduate Learning Commons. The class exhibit opened in mid-April to coincide with the Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference, “Mobilities” hosted by Georgia Tech from April 16-19, 2015.
The primary goal of this class is to use this practical experience introducing students to the most important themes and topics at the intersection of history and museum studies. In addition to creating an exhibit, readings, class presentations, and course activities encouraged students to examine how museums have played a vital role in the preservation of artifacts, manuscripts, books, and other documents. Students traced the museum’s journey from elite preserves to public showplaces, and explored the ways in which curatorial research, exhibit design, financial planning, public relations, and educational outreach have changed over time. Students designed exhibit posters and materials with local artist, Ashley Schick and Multimedia Librarian, Alison Valk.